New Niketown in SoHo Creating an Uproar

Nike is certainly excited about the new Niketown that has just opened in SoHo…but many of its neighbors are less than enthusiastic. The six-story and 55,000 square foot store is located on the corner of Broadway and Spring Street. The store opened on November 18th and residents have been posting pictures and videos to social media to show their exasperation.

Councilwoman Margaret Chin’s spokesperson, Paul Leondord said, “When you have a store that’s so out of scale for the neighborhood, it really has an effect. [Niketown] has four floors. It has a half basketball court. There’s a lack of acknowledgement that this is New York City. In this iconic neighborhood, it’s out of place.”

Neighbors complained that the grand opening was a mess and one resident called it “One of the most disruptive events of this type I’ve ever seen.”

Neighbors are concerned about the planned “Swoosh Saturdays” and other events.