Sunnier Days are Coming Your Way

If you have some extra time on your hands, you might enjoy this slightly off beat entertainment. Sunnyhues Entertainment is putting on a pop-up experience which will include eight interactive showrooms that are supposed to encourage and inspire people with positive energy. It’s called the “Happy-Go-Lucky pop-up and will start on June 9.



This is part of a trend of immersive exhibits that have come to New York City. The Happy-Go-Lucky will be located at 43 Wooster St., and will be welcoming visitors every half-hour from 11-9 until July 8. Tickets can be purchased for $28 during the week and $34 on weekends. Check out more at:

Get Your Parachute Ready for Parachute Home

If you’ve loved shopping online for the irresistible linen brand Parachute Home, you can now touch and feel those linens. That’s because Parachute Home is opening its first store at 129 Grand Street in Soho. They signed a two year lease, so they’ll be around for awhile, with an option of another five if it goes well. They will have 1140 square feet of street-level space and another 900 in the basement.

Happy sleeping and cuddling with their awesome sheets!