Lower East Side’s Market Line has re-opened (since the pandemic closed and shuttered many activities) and is offering some fabulous locally-sourced food including seafood, fresh produce and more.
It’s also very nice that around three-quarters of the businesses are owned by minority groups, immigrants, or women and this accurately reflects the general ambience in this community. Expansions are planned and there will soon be two more blocks of space that can fit 70 vendors by 2023.
In other news, local chefs Samuel Clonts and Raymond Trinh will be opening up their own Lower East Side restaurant where Speedy Romeo once was. Benefitting from that restaurant’s wood-fired grill, the front area is decorated with white marble, an open kitchen and a chef’s counter for 10.
Other new local openings include: Buddha-Bar Restaurant New York, Breslin Burger, Bronson’s Burgers, Gia, Saint Theo’s, Sexy Taco, Somewhere in NoLita, Baba Cool and more.