Yesterday a new gallery opened. Situated at 19 Monroe Street, the A.D. gallery is taking the space formerly occupied by the Bible gallery. It is the brainchild of three co-owner artists: Philip Hinge, Nick Irzyk and Nicholas Sullivan.
The opening group show, Daisy Chain will have presentations from a variety of artists including: Mitchell Algus, Ennst Yohji Jäger, Maggie Lee, Clair Morey, and Nikholis Planck. the idea behind the gallery is combination of quirkiness and tradition. as Irzyk explained:
“Me and Phil’s spaces are on the quirkier side, so we’re looking forward to doing shows that fit in a more traditional space…Phil is tapped into an international network of sorts, so we’re interested in bringing people from outside New York to do shows alongside local artists. For us, this is a totally new venue.”